/ tedamoh

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A new data model for the data warehouse is necessary, but how do you model data? Understanding temporal data and learning methods and techniques to do so? Or a certification in data modeling?

We support you with coaching, our academy or with consulting!!


TEDAMOH Team - Stephan, Kim and Dirk

Blank sheets of paper for notes during seminars at the TEDAMOH Academy - Photo by Brandi Redd on Unsplash


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An important milestone has been reached!

With the launch of our book website, Roelant Vos and I are entering the final phase of completing our joint book

Buch Agile Business Intelligence

In 2015, I contributed - spontaneously - a chapter to a book for the second time. Working on it was a lot of fun. That's partly because of the topic, but also because of the great editorial team.

This training will focus on methods and techniques for handling bitemporal data in a Data Warehouse. It includes how to populate and afterwards get bitemporal data out of the Data Warehouse’s core layer.

Over time, things change - things like customers, products, accounts, and so forth. But most of the data we keep about things describes what they are like currently, not what they used to be like. When things change, we update the data that describes them so that the description remains current. But all these things have a history, and many of them have a future as well, and often data about their past or about their future is also important. Tom Johnston

Nowadays, most data warehouses already store "some kind of history of" data. But what about events that took place at a different time than what the data warehouse represents to us? Or data that will be valid in the future? For example, future planned prices for products and goods or special prices for discount battles or sales promotions like the “Black Friday” in the United States.

What will You learn?

The Big Business Man smiled. "Time," he said, "is what keeps everything from happening at once. Ray Cummings, The Girl in the Golden Atom, novel (1922)

Dirk Lerner is the teacher of Temporal data in a fast-changing world! In this class he will focus on methods and techniques for storing bitemporal data in a Data Warehouse as well as how to get data out of the Data Warehouse’s core layer by merging timelines of bitemporal data. Dirk will show bitemporal basics for a better understanding of loading data as well as the concepts to develop SQL queries to insert and update temporal data within a Data Warehouse.

Finally, concepts to provide Star Schema Dimensions as non-, uni- or bitemporal objects will be demonstrated.

All modules contain (mostly real) examples and participants will do several exercises. Corresponding SQL tutorials will be provided.

Generally, the training should take place as a two-day face-to-face training. As everyone knows, this is unfortunately not possible at the moment.

My experience with online trainings is that a whole day is exhausting for all participants and usually does not lead to the desired results. Therefore, in the case of a "locationless" training, I have decided to spread the 4 modules over a total of 4 days. As a rule from 9 a.m. to approx. 1 p.m.. Module 1 & 2 on the first two days of the event period and exactly one week later Module 3 & 4 (The last two days of the event period).

Module 1 – Theory and basic temporal concepts


Overview of bitemporal theory and methods. Introduction to the basic concepts of temporal data and temporal modeling structures in Data Vault but not only.

  • FastChangeCo
  • Time concepts
  • Non-, uni- and bitemporal terminology and data modeling structures
  • Clock ticks and time periods
  • Allen Relationship
  • Exercises


Students will be able to understand bitemporal concepts and terminology, apply bitemporal structures to Data Vault data modeling and handle temporal data.


Beginners and Advanced in the methods, concepts, and terminology with temporal data.

Module 2 – Deepen and populate temporal data (part I)


Deepen bitemporal theory and methods. Introduction to basic SQL concepts to populate temporal data in Data Vault structures. In small teams exploring step-by-step the first part of the Allen Relationship.

  • Using FastChangeCo’s Use Case
  • Populate unitemporal and bitemporal data (part I of Allen Relationship)
  • Exercises


Students will be able to apply bitemporal concepts and terminology to populate first sets of temporal data into a Data Vault data model within FastChangeCo’s use case.


Already knowing the methods, concepts, and terminology of temporal data (participants of module 1).

Module 3 – Populate temporal data (part II) and temporal interfaces


Further deepen bitemporal theory and methods. Second part of basic SQL concepts to populate temporal data in Data Vault structures. Again, exploring in small teams step-by-step the second part of the Allen Relationship.

  • Using FastChangeCo’s Use Case
  • Populate bitemporal data (part II of Allen Relationship)
  • Real world cases of incoming bitemporal interfaces
  • Exercises


Students will be able to apply bitemporal concepts and terminology to populate all sets of temporal data into a Data Vault data model within FastChangeCo’s use case. Furthermore, students will be able to understand and handle temporal issues within real world incoming interfaces.


Already knowing the methods, concepts and terminology of temporal data and knowing how to populate first sets of temporal data (participants of module 1 and 2).

Module 4 – Getting temporal data out


Overview of bitemporal star schema, facts, and dimensions. Introduction to the basic concepts of temporal data and temporal modeling structures in a Star Schema and how to populate it by merging timelines of bitemporal data, e.g. with Data Vault Satellites.

  • Using FastChangeCo’s Use Case
  • Merge and condense/packing temporal data
  • Provide and access temporal data through a Star Schema
  • Exercises


Students will understand how to merge and condense temporal data and to be able to provide temporal data into a Star Schema.


Already knowing the methods, concepts and terminology of temporal data and knowing how to populate all sets of temporal data (participants of module 1,2 and 3).

Is this Training Right for You?

Do you have to work with time-related data? Would you like to learn a structured approach to deal with this data and build appropriate structures? If so, this training is suitable for you.

Even if you are working with databases that support time-related data, the methods learned in this training will help you to understand the underlying technology and to reproduce the results.

As a Data Architect, Business Analyst, Data Modeler, Data Vault Expert, ETL developer, Data Warehouse Manager, BI Expert or BI Consultant you will get most out of this class.

If you have any doubts or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Why are we doing this?

First of all, thank you to everyone who participated in one of my talks about temporal data, visited one of my trainings or took the time to write to me.

Often the desire to learn more about temporal data arose! Your positive feedback and success stories about bitemporal data in practice (see testimonials) are what drive us to build and run this training and to get better and better at it!

What is the training fee?

Early Bird: You receive a 15% discount on the regular rate as well as on the group rates. The rate is automatically reduced by the Early Bird.

All prices shown include VAT at the statutory rate of 19%. If you are a company in the EU (not Germany), the reverse charge procedure applies for VAT during cart checkout and no VAT is shown.

In all other cases, German VAT will be shown at the appropriate rate.

Frequently Asked Questions?

All FAQs can be read here.

/ Testimonials

Feedback from our clients

What customers say about TEDAMOH!


TEDAMOH - Data Modeling Certification (DMC)

First of all, I would like to emphasize that preparing for the DMC was a challenging but absolutely rewarding experience. In order to pass the exam successfully, I focused on different methods:

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Data Modeling Master Class

The training is highly recommended because the complexity and added value of modelling becomes clear. It is also comprehensive and covers all aspects of modelling. Everyone benefits from modelling! 

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TEDAMOH - Testimonial Coaching und Training

As a result, the team's knowledge, identification with, and trust in the data model are at a high level. This is very good, because we are facing great challenges on our way to becoming a data-driven company.

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 The basics of historisation are explained in detail in theory and immediately prove with practical exercises, fantastic!

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