The Smartest Way To Deal With The Data Integration Challenges

Authored by Dario Mangano
Edition: 1.0

Data Warehouse projects fail.

As an industry we have been battling with this phenomenon for decades. Though we have been getting better over the years, as an industry we still have a long way to go.

Fortunately some people have found ways to beat the odds. By thinking out of the box, formulating new ideas, and creating new innovative approaches these people have each somehow unlocked the secrets of successful DW programs.

Einführung in Fact-Oriented Modeling

Wie kann ich natürliche Sprache in meinem Modellierungsprozess verwenden, um qualitativ hochwertige Informationsmodelle zu erstellen?

Months ago I talked to Stephan Volkmann, the student I mentor, about possibilities to write a seminar paper. One suggestion was to write about Information Modeling, namely FCO-IM, ORM2 and NIAM, siblings of the Fact-Orietented Modeling (FOM) family. In my opinion, FOM is the most powerful technique for building conceptual information models, as I wrote in a previous blogpost Sketch Notes Reflections at TDWI Roundtable with FCO-IM.

Dimension-Ids im Data Vault

Resiliente und temporal korrekte Dimension-Ids für Fakten- und Dimensionstabellen bei FastChangeCo

Sind in einem dimensionalen Datenmodell, aufbauend auf einem Data-Vault-Datenmodell, Integer-Werte als Dimension-Ids immer noch notwendig?
