Sketch Notes Reflections at TDWI Roundtable with FCO-IM

Our 25th anniversary roundtable in Frankfurt with FCO-IM was a great success. Almost 90 registrations and more than 60 attendees is an unexpected outcome for a topic that is almost unknown in Germany. If you want to know what happened at the roundtable, read about it in my previous blog post FCO-IM at TDWI Roundtable in Frankfurt.

A conference for the data-driven generation!

It’s late October 2016, an incredible crowd of young data-driven peeps are on their way to Berlin, looking forward to meet many other peeps with the same attitude at the Data Natives conference: Doing business with data or seeing a huge value in using data for the future. Besides the crowd I was not only impressed by the location but also by the amount of startups at the conference.

The schedule for two days was full packed with talks and it wasn’t easy to choose between all these interesting topics. So I decided not to give myself too much pressure. Instead I cruised  through the program, and stumbled on some highlights.

FCO-IM Example

FCO-IM - Data Modeling by Example

Do You want to visit a presentation about Fully Communication Oriented Information Modeling (FCO-IM) in Frankfurt?
I’m very proud that we, the board of the TDWI Roundtable FFM, could win Marco Wobben to speak about FCO-IM. In my opinion, it’s one of the most powerful technique for building conceptual information models. And the best is, that such models can be automatically transformed into ERM, UML, Relational or Dimensional models and much more. So we can gain more wisdom in data modeling at all.

But, what is information modeling? Information modeling is making a model of the language used to communicate about some specific domain of business in a more or less fixed way. This involved not only the words used but also typical phrases and patterns that combine these words into meaningful standard statements about the domain [3].

I was at the Data Modeling Zone Europe 2016 in Berlin as a speaker. It was the 4th Data Modeling Zone in Europe and in my opinion one of the best per the conference program and the interesting and awesome chats with other speakers and attendees. This year’s venue was the Abion Hotel in Berlin, situated next to the Spreebogen and for this a great environment around the venue.