Last week I had the opportunity to present online at the Data Vault User Group about temporal data: Who, how, what - why bitemporal data? Who does not ask will not be wise!

Our roundtable in Frankfurt in March started with a bang:

Marketing for BI is even lower in the priority order than documentation.

I, Stephan, am very happy that I'm invited to give a presentation at the Knowledge Gap 2020 in Munich.

My presentation is about advanced techniques in Fact-Oriented Modeling.

Often data models are built with a technical focus, because they need to be delivered fast or must meet various technical requirements. Therefore, the business aspect and the meaning of objects and relationships are swept under the table. But then the business domain later hardly understands the data model and has problems to work with it in own applications or reports – which often results in a redesign of the data model and renewed time and cost expenditures.

I am pleased to say that I will be participating at this year’s Enterprise Data & Business Intelligence and Analytics Conference Europe 18-22 November 2019, London. I will be speaking on the subject ‘From Conceptual to Physical Data Vault Data Model’ and (for sure) on my hobby horse subject temporal data: ‘Send Bi-Temporal Data from Ground to Vault to the Stars’. See my abstracts for the sessions below.