Information Modeling in natürlicher Sprache

Information Modeling in Natural Language

How can I use natural language in my modeling process to achieve high-quality information models?

The answer to your question is Fact-Oriented Modeling (FOM). This is a family of conceptual methods in which facts are modeled precisely as relationships with an arbitrary number of arguments. This type of modeling makes it easier to understand the model, because natural language is used to create the data model. That's what makes FOM fundamentally different from all other modeling methods. This approach sounds new and exciting. However, its basic features date back to the 1970s.

A mature modeling methodology and suitable tool support have existed for around twenty years. The first implementations with FOM are currently being developed in Germany. But how does this modeling method work and what advantages does it offer for the core layer in a data warehouse project?

Our complete blog article: Introduction to Fact-Oriented Modeling

The full blog article can be downloaded here: