
  • 8 Gründe, warum man bitemporale Daten benötigt

    8 Gründe warum temporale Daten benötigt werden

    Diesmal beschäftigt sich das Team des Data Management Center of Excellence (DMCE) von FastChangeCoTM mit der Frage: Was sind die geschäftlichen Anforderungen an bitemporale Daten?

  • 8 reasons why you need bitemporal data

    8 reasons why temporal data is needed

    This time, FastChangeCoTM's Data Management Center of Excellence (DMCE) team looks at the question: what are the business requirements for bitemporal data?

  • Academy

    With our TEDAMOH Academy we offer various seminars, trainings and workshops to support and develop continuous learning in your daily business.

    You can either extend you theoretical knowledge by attending a seminar or work in practically oriented workshops to acquire knowledge by yourself. To train the usage of a new software or method, such as dealing with temporal data, it is best to have a closer look at the training area.

  • Bitemporal Affront

    Or the battle announcement of the incoming interface

    The BI Center of Competence (CoC) has decided to use bitemporal data storage when setting up a new data warehouse for one of the business units of the fictitious company FastChageCo™.

    BI CoC is well advanced in the bitemporal implementation of Data Vault database objects as well as loading patterns. The already connected systems via formally defined incoming interfaces have worked without problems so far.

  • Bitemporal Data

    If everything would happen at the same time, there would be no need to store historic data. We, the consumers of data, would know each and everything at the same instant. Beside all the other philosophical impacts, if time wouldn’t exists, is data still necessary?

    (Un)fortunately time exists and data architects, data modelers and developers have to deal with it in the world of information technology.

    In this category about temporal data I will collect all my blogposts about this fancy topic.

  • Bitemporal Data Marts

    Since more than 15 years I’m working with bitemporal data in Data Warehouse solutions. Meanwhile it is easy to design, build and populate tables for bitemporal data. But how to design and build bitemporal dimensional modeled Data Marts was new to me. Dirk Lerner does a very good job in explaining complex bitemporal stuff. 

  • Bitemporale Data Marts

    Seit mehr als 15 Jahren arbeite ich mit bitemporalen Daten in Data Warehouse Lösungen. Mittlerweile ist es einfach, Tabellen für bitemporale Daten zu entwerfen, zu erstellen und zu befüllen. Aber wie man bitemporale dimensional modellierte Data Marts entwirft und aufbaut, war mir neu. Dirk Lerner leistet eine sehr gute Arbeit bei der Erklärung komplexer bitemporaler Daten.

  • Blog

  • Data Modeling Zone EU/US 19 #DMZone

    OK, for those of you who just want to grab a promotion code... I'll make it short 😂:


    As a speaker at both conferences I give you 15% on the DMZ EU and 20% on the DMZ US. You can register here.

    For those of you who are also interested in what I'm going to talk about, a few more informations:

  • Die Bedeutung von bitemporalen Daten

    TEDAMOH - Die Bedeutung von bitemporalen Daten

    Ich war sehr zufrieden mit Dirk Lerners Temporal Data in a Fast-Changing World! Training. Die Schulung hat alle meine Fragen zur Bitemporalität beantwortet, die in anderen Data-Vault-Schulungen nicht so klar angesprochen wurden.

  • Enterprise Data & BI & Analytics 19 #EDBIA

    I am pleased to say that I will be participating at this year’s Enterprise Data & Business Intelligence and Analytics Conference Europe 18-22 November 2019, London. I will be speaking on the subject ‘From Conceptual to Physical Data Vault Data Model’ and (for sure) on my hobby horse subject temporal data: ‘Send Bi-Temporal Data from Ground to Vault to the Stars’. See my abstracts for the sessions below.

  • Erfolg mit bitemporalem Wissen

    Ich hatte gerade bei einem neuen Kunden angefangen und war Teil des Data-Warehouse-Teams, das für den Aufbau des Data Warehouse mit Data Vault verantwortlich war. Wir hatten einen Data Vault-Generator entwickelt. Damals verwendeten wir ein Enddatum für die 'business timeline'. Ich erinnere mich, wie kompliziert es war, die alten Datensätze zu aktualisieren, und wie viel Zeit das den Server kostete. Vor allem, wenn man zwischendurch Datensätze hinzufügen wollte. Zum Beispiel um die Historie aus alten Quellen zu laden.

  • How to choose a timestamp for a Data Vault timeline?

    TEDAMOH - Secret Spice Data Vault timeline - Picture by Parrish Freeman on Unsplash

    Does the Load Date Timestamp (LDTS) data element in the hub, link, or satellite capture the timestamp of the batch, or rather the transaction timestamp at which the data originated in the operational system?

  • Methodik zur Lösung bitemporaler Aufgaben

    TEDAMOH - Methodology to handle bitemporal challenges - Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

    Dirk hat eine sehr gut strukturiertes Training über temporale Daten durchgeführt. Er hat mir sehr geholfen, mein Wissen über dieses anspruchsvolle Thema zu erweitern.

  • Methodology to handle bitemporal challenges

    TEDAMOH - Methodology to handle bitemporal challenges - Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

    Dirk provided a very well structured training on temporal data. He helped me a lot to increase my knowledge about this challenging topic.

  • Satelliten an Links, ja oder nein? - Teil 2

    Satelliten an Links, ja oder nein? - Teil 2

    Die Verwendung eines Satelliten am Link? Die Diskussion setzt sich mit beschreibenden Daten fort.

  • Secret Spice

  • Success with bitemporal knowledge

    At work I just started at a new customer and was part of the data warehouse team, who was assigned the task of building the Data Vault Data Warehouse. We were developing the Data Vault generator. At that point we used an end-date for the business time. I remember the complexity for updating the old records and the time for the server it costs to do this. Especially when you want to add rows in between. To load history, for example, from old sources. The training is led by Dirk in an interactive way.

  • TEDAMOH @ #TDWI - Let’s talk

    We, Stephan and myself, are looking forward to welcome you at the TDWI Conference at the MOC Munich from June 24th - 26th, 2019! Meet us at our booth, discuss bitemporal topics, data vault or data modeling at all with us and attend one of Dirk Lerner's lectures:

    • Model-driven decision making [Link], together with André Dörr and Mathias Brink
    • FBI at Bosch - a real journey through the depth of "data water" [Link], together with Marc Wiesner, Director Finance BI Competence Center, Robert Bosch GmbH
    • Temporal data series

      Image for the series about temporal data
      / SECRET SPICE - Temporal Data Series

      Temporal data - A time travel

      In loose order I publish my thoughts and experiences around bitemporal or more general temporal data. For me, this includes not only the properties and peculiarities of temporal data itself, but also the associated structures, loading processes and solutions of various kinds.

      In any case, important and not to be neglected are the business requirements that underlie all temporal data. From time to time in this series, I will show technologies and related examples that support temporal data.

      Like the already published series on PowerDesigner, this series is for myself a kind of diary, a knowledge base and the 'Secret Spice', in which I record my discoveries and for myself documented tips and tricks around temporal data. I would like to share this with you.

      And, as always, you'll meet team members from the Data Management Center of Excellence (DMCE) at my favorite client: FastChangeCoTM!